The Australian Super Battery

Alex Koyfman

Written By Alex Koyfman

Updated September 18, 2024

Search the web for Graphene Batteries, or better yet, ask Chat-GPT, and you’ll likely read that these batteries are expected to start making a real dent in the global battery sector within the next decade. 

The reasons why they’re such a threat to the current standard can be summarized with just three pieces of data:

  • Graphene batteries hold up to 3 times the charge as current Li-Ion batteries
  • They last between 3 and 5 times the number of charge discharge cycles
  • They charge up to 70 times as fast

Or to put it into more relatable terms, imagine charging your EV in less time than it takes you to pump a tank full of gas, and driving it all month before having to recharge it. 

tesla charging station 190x190

Now imagine that these batteries are so reliable, and so long-lasting, that the battery pack will outlast literally every other major system on the vehicle. 

Now, take it a step further and imagine everything powered by batteries like this. Smart phones, laptops, residential battery back-up systems, all the way up to utility grade power storage.

That’s the future that graphene promises, but, as the internet will tell you, all of that is years away. 

The Graphene Battery Revolution Is A Decade Off… Where Are Graphene Battery Stocks Today?

What the internet may not tell you is that the major player who will likely be the one to bring you these super-batteries, is currently producing some of the first ever commercial units to see the light of day. 

An Australian company, based in Queensland and focused on specialized in-house graphene manufacturing, is already turning out limited-run pouch and coin format batteries. 

These are small units that provide power for tiny consumer electronics devices like calculators and smart watches, and run the internal clock on most laptops — but this is only the beginning. 

coin battery

You see, these early production runs are designed to give potential corporate partners a small taste of what’s possible. 

These batteries will be tested and analyzed and if all turns out as promised, the next step is taken. 

Scaling to commercial output levels has long been cited as the #1 obstacle for the graphene battery. But even in this regard, our Australian battery maker is far ahead.

They have a proprietary graphene production method which brings costs down, while requiring no raw materials other than natural gas and electricity.

With this sort of production capacity in sight, these batteries can and will supplant the lithium battery industry altogether, which is good news for consumers, but perhaps even better news for Western geopolitics. 

You see, right now, with the world utterly hooked on the power of high-capacity lithium-ion batteries, it’s the Chinese, and more specifically, the Chinese Communist Party that gets to run the show. 

Lithium is China’s most important, and potentially most powerful strategic asset. 

“Lithium Will Be To China What Oil Was To Saudi Arabia” — Deng Xioping

With it, their leverage over the global economy, and even our own military, which uses billions of dollars worth of lithium batteries, is a unacceptable weakness. 

The Chinese have been planning for this for decades by buying up lithium production across the world, and developing a vast lithium refinement industry within their own borders. 

Today, China accounts for almost 70% of lithium refining, and an even greater share of battery production.

Graphene batteries, which use no lithium, are a direct threat to this. 

So not only does this single Australian company deliver a product which can change the world, but it will do so at the cost of a hostile superpower. 

Ten years from now, the batteries of today will long be forgotten, and lithium will have likely lost its status as the most important energy storage medium of the century. 

In the process, the company currently leading the graphene race will likely grow into a giant in its own right. 

Today, however, it remains a virtual unknown, trading at a market cap of less than $50M. 

This could be one of the most explosive stories the battery industry has seen since the start of the lithium revolution, more than 30 years ago. 

Don’t miss out. 

Get every bit of relevant info you need on the tech, the market, and the company that’s about to start changing everything. 

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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